Pikka-Pikkakari Playgroup
Address: 125 Paterson Street
Phone: 7903 6023 / 0499 802 286
Project Description
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am–1pm
Children 0-5 Years
Playgroup Program Activities
The Centre Playgroup continues to provide services to families in Tennant Creek and surrounding communities.
Mobile Playgroup provides play activities each Thursday from 8:30am-12:30 pm between May and October. Families have a day out at the park with their children and meet up with other families.
The parks used for Mobile Playgroup are:
- Purkis Reserve and also join with Sport & Rec facilities
- Eldorado Park
Playgroup also offers external services who engage families in sessions facilitated by Health, Education, and Parenting professionals, including the Anyinginyi Health Clinic’s Grow Well, Health Promotion, & Nutrition program, and the FaFT (Families as First Teachers) initiative.
Sessions, which last an hour or longer, are held every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. A team meeting for services involved with the Playgroup Program is held every third Monday.
Playgroup provides other family support services through:
- HIPPY (Home Interaction for Parents & Youngsters Program) for families with children Age 4 and 5 years old;
- Tennant Creek Pre-school visits;
- NT Child Health Nurse – Child Development Wellbeing Checks; and
- The Dental Team’s Brushing Teeth Program.
Bus Service
The Playgroup bus service continues to provide transport services to those families with no other means of attending Playgroup.

Head Office
13 Maloney Street,
Tennant Creek NT 0861
Office Hours
Mon – Thurs 8am to 4.30pm
Fri 8am – 3pm